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Question 1

1. Most common route of absorption of lead in case of industrial inorganic lead poisoning is by

Question 2

2. Identify the given image

Question 3

3. A person arrested for murder was tortured by police by tying his hands and feet together behind his back. This is known as

Question 4

4. Match the following ---- A. Fusion of lambdoid suture i. 25 years B. Fusion of basi-occiput ii. 18-21 years C. Fusion of medial end of clavicle iii. 50-60 years D. Body of sternum becomes a single bone iv. 20-25years

Question 5

5. Which of the following are features of female skull? A. Prominent glabella B. Prominent frontal eminence C. Prominent parietal eminence D. Round orbit E. Prominent zygoma

Question 6

6. Which of the following are features of saltwater drowning? A. Hyponatremia B. Hypernatremia C. Haemoconcentration D. Hyperkalaemia E. Cardiac arrhythmia