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Question 1

1. Case scenario: A dead body with suspected poisoning is having hypostasis of brown in color . Statement 1: It is suggestive of poisoning due to cyanides Statement 2: Brown colour hypostasis is due to methemoglobin

Question 2

2. • A 39 year old Carpenter has taken two bottles of liquor from the local shop. After about and hour, he develops confusion, vomiting and blurring of vision. He has been brought to the emergency department. He should be given

Question 3

3. A 28 year old male admitted with history of accidental consumption of 1 seed from this fruit (image). Regarding this case, which is not correct?

Question 4

4. A farmer ingested unknown poisonous seeds and had pain and vomiting. Soon he developed paralysis of lower limb which ascends till it affected the respiratory muscles and he died within two days. The poisoning is due to:

Question 5

5. A 40 year old male abuses alcohol voluntarily for 15 years. He could not get alcohol for 4 days due to closure of liquor shops in view of election. He was confused, could not sleep properly. He also assaulted his neighbour. He is:

Question 6

6. Ramesh presented with bronchodilatation, increased temperature, constipation and tachycardia. Probable diagnosis is poisoning with:

Question 7

7. Regarding methanol poisoning assertion: Administration of ethanol is one of the treatment modalities Reason: Ethanol inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase Please select the most correct option from the following:

Question 8

8. A patient presented to ER with an unknown poisoning with dilated pupils, tachycardia & complaints of urinary retention. Mydriasis, tachycardia, urinary retention are toxidromes for:

Question 9

9. A teenager was abusing this specific drug. Features of over dose & Poisoning are all except:

Question 10

10. INCORRECT statement is 1. Ganja prepared from FLOWERING TOPS of male plant 2. FLASHBACK phenomenon seen 3. Sinsemella – seedless preparation 4. No antidote 5. Run amok not seen

Question 11

11. A 35 year old man, admitted with history of suicidal consumption of a poisonous plants. The relatives were able to able to identify the plant with photo (image as shown). Which of the following is not correct?

Question 12

12. About this poison • Amyl nitrite should be given as first choice IV • Patients with chlorhydria have good prognosis • Smell of bitter lemon noted • Antidote is Hydroxycobalamin

Question 13

13. A patient was found in a locked room having labored breathing, kerosene-like smell, pin-point pupils, frothing from mouth, cyanosed and pulse rate of 40/ min. which of the following is correct regarding the management of the patient?

Question 14

14. A victim recovered from a burning closed hut, brought to hospital. The victim looks like intoxicated state. True regarding the management

Question 15

15. A man comes to emergency OPD with h/o substance toxicity, excessive salivation, pin point pupil and kerosene smell on breath. All true except: