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Common Law
Forensic Ballistics
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Question 1
1. Caliber of a rifled gun is calculated:
A. Distance between a land and groove
B. Distance between two opposite depressed parts of barrel
C. Distance between two adjacent lands
D. Distance between two grooves
Question 2
2. An inspector of police brought a shotgun to forensic department for weapon examination. The gun does not contain:
A. Barrel
B. Choke bore
C. Bullets
D. Muzzle
Question 3
3. A man was found with suicidal gunshot on right temple with the gun in his right hand. The skull was burst open. There was charring and cherry red coloration in the track inside. Range of the shot is:
A. Contact shot
B. Close shot at a distance of 1 feet
C. Shot within range of 2 feet
D. Shot within range of 3 feet
Question 4
4. Double base smokeless gun powder contains:
A. Nitrocellulose and nitroguanidine
B. Potassium nitrate and sulphur
C. Potassium nitrate and charcoal
D. Nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin
Question 5
5. Following are features of gunshot wound, except:
A. Entry wound is beveled in the inner table of skull
B. Abrasion collar is seen in entry wound
C. Acro-reaction test can detect gunshot residue from the swab taken from the hands
D. Stellate shaped wound is seen in contact shot
Question 6
6. During the autopsy of that 20 year old rifled gunshot victim, after the clothes examination, you are examining the appearance of the entry wounds. In the wound, arrangement of abrasion collar, dirt collar and tattooing from inside to outside:
A. Bullet wipe, abrasion collar, tattooing
B. Abrasion collar, Bullet wipe, tattooing
C. Tattooing, dirt collar, abrasion collar
D. Dirt collar, tattooing, abrasion collar
Question 7
7. 20 year old rifled gun shot victim was brought for autopsy examination. As a medical officer, you a conducting autopsy. Clothes are examined initially. Blackening and tattooing of skin and clothing can be best demonstrated by :
A. Luminol spray
B. Infrared photography
C. Ultraviolet light
D. Magnifying lens
Question 8
8. A 45 year old man dead body was found with gun shot wounds. During the examination, you have recovered wad from the wound. Presence of wad inside the entrance wound suggests all the following except:
A. Contact shot
B. Close shot
C. Smoothbore firearm
D. Cannot be homicidal
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